Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Red Paint!

Jagged Angle
Paint Crew
Spreading the Word: Whitney Young Housing in Bayview Community
South San Francisco

Certificate of Preference from 1975!

Youngblood Coleman Playground

Bayview Canvassing Group
It was a bit slow starting off and as a day in general for me, but my crew kept pushing along. I knew when I woke up that morning in my confusion to efficiently get myself breakfast that I might have a hard time today. For the life of me I could not hammer nails ahead of my crew so that they could keep going with painting. But they kept chugging along as I kept embarrassing myself, and suprisingly we got a whole lot done finishing the general painting of an entire two sides of the house.
Later that evening Erin and I headed over to South San Francisco to Bayview to hand out flyers to people living in the neihborhood about the new Whitney Young homes being built in neihborhood. Some girls from the local YMCA came to help out too. I went with Jamin and Emily from the office and we took our flyers to hand out to some of the local businesses and families walking down the street. We even had people stop in their cars along the road to pick up flyers. It was a great experience meeting people in the community.

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