Saturday, January 24, 2009

Beautiful Week!

Saturday, January 24, 2009: 1rst Coat

White Strokes
Friday, January 23, 2008: Priority Kitchen Bathroom

Smooth Strokes
(Training Day 18) Thursday, January 22, 2009: Patching It!
Mixing Station

"Obama Inaugaration!"

Bono Red White & Blue
Wednesday, January 20, 2008: Painting Doors Again

Monday, January 19, 2009: Painting Doors
Lunch Time Nap

The Door Painters
It was a perfect week for painting and napping like a panther over scaffolding planks. I take it completely for granted sometimes, but I'm constantly reminded by the other Americorps who aren't from California how wonderful the weather is for the middle of winter. It's nice when paint only takes 5 minutes to dry, and second coats go so much quicker!

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